Plug TV Kenya

Hii Tumekataa! Pastor T Mwangi calls out catholic priest for blessing a city club

by Chief Okuzo

A few hours ago a catholic priest caused a buzz online after he was hired by a famous city club to bless their newly opened branch in kenol. In the viral video, the priest was seen sprinkling holy water on the newly opened club with the aim of blessing the club to bring more customers.
However, the Catholic Priest’s action did not sit well with City pastor Anthony Mwangi. According to his recent post, Pastor Mwangi, known as pastor T, blasted the priest for endorsing sin instead of rebuking it.
I hope the Catholic Bishop clergy will come out to condemn such actions and activity because it’s not in line with our biblical ethics and doctrine. In a country where 70% are youth, where we are opening mega clubs and closing mega-churches, it should act as an alarm of crisis. Christianity is becoming irrelevant to the youths and incoming generations because the tenet and values of our faith are being diluted by the very custodian.

I know someone will say Jesus turned water into wine as a miracle. The context was at a wedding where they served good wine and sour wine. Good wine was juice pressed from fresh grapes and it had no alcohol. They used to serve it first and it was for the rich and high table. Jesus turned water into good wine not a sour wine, the fermented grapes juice.

Jesus was also a Nazarite from Nazareth the same vow was upon Samson and John hence he could not take any intoxicating drinks or alcohol because of the Nazarine nature.

The first man to take alcohol was Noah and he went naked and cursed his children. This club will be a base of immorality,  marriages will end here, pregnancies will be conceived here and aborted at the same time, and destinies will be aborted here hence the trade is not in line with our ethics.

Jesus interacted with sinners but Jesus never blessed sin. Soon we will dedicate drugs warehouses and brothels in the name of business. Hii nayo ni Apana, ” He said.

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