Plug TV Kenya

2 Million To Be Spent At Ruto’s Weston Hotel By Kericho MCA’s

by Ramskie Duevela

An uproar has sparked the internet after it has been confirmed that Kericho County Assembly Member’s will spend Ksh 2 Million at the Weston hotel in Nairobi. The Vacation is meant to train the MCA’s as they vet the nominees for Chief officials Positions.

The news have been welcomed by mixed reactions from Netizens at a time when the country is facing tough economic times with drought also hitting many parts of the country.

In reference to standing order No.177, I hereby request for facilitation of all members of the county assembly to Nairobi (Weston hotel) from 15th November 22 to 20th November 22. The purpose of the meeting is to conduct a pre-vetting of County Chief Officers nominees,” 

Stated Mr Paul Chirchir who is the majority leader of the MCA’S.

This is in contrary with Ruto’s sentiments after he had earlier promised to ensure that the government will save ksh 300 billion from costs and expenses used by the previous government led by his predecessor Uhuru Kenyatta.

Weston hotel is owned by William Ruto and is located in the capital Nairobi. It will be further noted that several other expenses have not been calculated from the payments of those facilitating the training to the drivers as well as other factors that should be counted.

While many argue that this is embezzlement of funds , Mr Chirchir states that many of the MCA’S lack knowledge in several key matters thus a need to train them

,:As a matter of fact, majority of the MCAs who were elected or nominated to the assembly are serving their first term in office and are yet to learn the ropes of vetting the nominees for the various positions forwarded to the house by the executive arm of government,‘ he stated as he spoke to The Nation via phone.

Do you think this is a good move? Share you insights .

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