Plug TV Kenya

Machachari Actor Almasi Discloses Battling Depression After Mum Got Cancer

by Chief Okuzo
  • Almasi says he was born in a Christian family 
  • He got depressed when his mother was diagnosed with cancer 
  • He started using bhang as remedy for depression 

Former Machachari Actor Almasi has opened up on his journey from being a Christian to a monk and his mother battling with cancer.

Through an interview with shivani Pau, the talented actor revealed that he turned into a monk after failing to understand Christianity as a religion.

He claims that he was always sceptical about Christianity as a religion at a tender age.

“I was always skeptical how religion was presented to me when I was younger,” he narrated.

He also revealed that his full conversion from a Christian to a monk happened when he joined the university in United Kingdom where a friend handed him a book from a monk that changed his life completely.

However his mother became unhappy with his move to become a monk saying that he was being brainwashed and that she was afraid of losing his son. Almasi also revealed that his mother has on different occasions warned him against visiting temples.

“She was afraid she was losing me. I had to step up and give her assurance and told her, ‘mum, you’re not losing me, I’m the same Nene you were changing diapers back in 98/99. I still love you,” he said.

After traveling back to Kenya, Almasi revealed that he was thrown into depression after finding out that his mother had been diagnosed with cancer.

As fear creeped in him after hearing the news of his mother, Almasi revealed that he resorted to bhang because he thought his mother would die.

“When I got home, my mum sat me down, and she was like, Ian, I went to hospital, and the doctors told me I have breast cancer stage four and it reached to my lungs. And I got so depressed,I decided to numb myself by getting high, and when in my room, I asked ‘God, if you truly exist, why do you allow bad things to happen to good people, ” he said.

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After working as a celebrity actor for a while in Kenya, Ian wanted to leave the spotlight and get back in touch with his actual authentic self.In his years as a monk, Ian spent a lot of time developing his spirituality, self-awareness, and meditation skills.

The majority of Hindus practice vegetarianism, and they view cows as sacred symbols of life that ought to be loved and maintained

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