Plug TV Kenya

“Carry lots of Condoms” The UK Health Security Agency urges athletes ahead of the 2022 Commonwealth Games

by Chief Okuzo

The UK Health Security Agency, led by the West Midlands team is urging visitors and athletes who will be taking part in the Birmingham 2022 Commonwealth Games from 28 July to 8 August,to be mindful of the latest health and hot weather advice.

Caryn Cox, health protection consultant with UKHSA West Midlands listed few regulations that are to be followed so as to help both citizens and visitors stay safe during the games. She emphasized visitors to stock up condoms ahead of the games to avoid getting infected with STIs and monkey pox.

“With a party atmosphere and lots of people visiting the region, it’s really important to practise safe sex, to prevent possible spread of sexually transmitted infections. So, remember to use condoms, and if you’ve had unprotected sex, get tested for STIs”She said.

While monkeypox isn’t an STI, it can be transmitted through close physical contact, so look out for any symptoms and contact a sexual health clinic if you suspect you may have that or any sexually transmitted infection, added Caryn Cox.

Advice to prevent transfer of stomach bugs

Stay at home if you have any symptoms of diarrhoea or vomiting. Don’t go to work or school or mix outside until 48 hours clear of symptoms.

  • Stay hydrated:Wash hands regularly and thoroughly in soap and water, especially after visiting the toilet or before preparing food.
  • Try not to prepare food for others while infectious.
  • In any areas where a person has had an episode of illness, use a bleach-based cleaning fluid to clean any surfaces.
  • Boil wash any laundry soiled during an episode of illness.

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