Plug TV Kenya

How Well Do You Know Sam Spedy Alias ‘Mama Ojoo,’ The Famous Nigerian Comedian

by Ramskie Duevela

SamSpedy is in the Country ! Nigerian comedian ‘Mama Ojo’ is in Kenya.

You all know him as ‘Mama Ojo’ , Samuel Aluwafemi Ojo’ Alias SamSpedy is among the most popular comedians and content creators. Sam Spedy who boasts over 1.7 Million subscribers and  is celebrated more so in his Nigerian backyard.

Born on 5th May 1994 in Abuja Nigeria, began his career in 2014 creating his first video,’ Five things that make people angry.’ His journey has been amazing growing his audience not only in Nigeria but in Other parts of the World as many consume his content. He has also been featured in short comedy videos.

Taking the path untaken by many, Sam Spedy chose to focus more on creating content around African culture especially how African mother’s behave in different scenarios. He mainly posts his content on Instagram and his YouTube channel.


Many people have chosen online platforms as a forum of sharing their content rather than just publishing it anyhow. Statistics show that YouTube is among the most profitable platform for content creators thus many people embracing it .

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