Plug TV Kenya

‘Sonnie Cheated On Me!’ – Mulamwah On Breaking Up with Sonnie

by Ramskie Duevela


I bet you thought just as I did that the drama between and Mulamwah and his baby mama was finally over.

Mulamwah has since made a new allegation against Sonnie. Mulamwah claims that Sonnie had cheated on him countless number of times but he had to act dumb just to see how far she would go.

He claims to have evidence of Sonnie with another man and that other bloggers have the same videos but for him to save her reputation he had to ask them to refrain from posting the videos.

the neighbors sent me videos of them partying and kissing , I still have them some bloggers have them too…….I asked her to apologize and she claimed she had been told I was cheating too …I apologized forge mistakes”

Mulamwah claimed that the first time they broke up she went to love with the said man that she was cheating with. Aki Nairobi! Eat or be eaten!

Mulamwah’s way of revenging was getting her pregnant. Dumb move if you ask me but if it worked for him then by all means.

I apologized for her mistakes ..I played dumb . Got her paged and left “



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