Plug TV Kenya

It Was My Idea To Build His Mother A Home First! – Size 8

by Ramskie Duevela


Speaking during a recent interview during their ground breaking, Size 8 disclosed that she was the one who pushed her husband Dj Mo to first build his mother a house before building her one.

She explained that it wouldn’t look right to live in an incredible home whilst his mom is living in a shanty back in the village.

actually the idea was mine…I told Mo there’s no way sisi tutaishi kwa nyumba ya mawe na kule we imetoka shosho na mom hawana nyumba za mawe…”

The move it Dj Mo to build a home for his mom and grandma first caused a stir online causing different reactions and most critics claiming that he should take care of his wife first!

Dj Mo explained that he build his grandparents a house because growing up he spent a lot of time with them and thought it was right to gift them a modern home as a ‘God bless you’. On building for his parents, he stated that his parents never had a home that they would call theirs and it would guarentee him a great blessing when he builds them a befitting house.

my shosho nilikua nakaa kwake sana…mom na dad tangu ni wajue sikumbuki tukiown nyumba I felt it’s a good gift to give to them not just a house but a good house”



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