Mulamwah and Sonnie seem to have different stories when it comes to when the two parted ways. Mulamwah on one hand claimed that they both amicably called it quits when Sonnie was three months pregnant with their child while on the other hand, Sonnie claims that they broke up two months after the birth of their daughter after failing to solve their differences that would be a hindrance in them moving forward.
“instead of moving forward tulikua tu narudi nyuma”
Additionally, the interviewer, Massawe asked her when exactly they both parted ways before or after the pregnancy came to term.
“me naskia sijui tulitengana before but me sikua najua tumeachana… Mimi vile nilijua tumeachana na after Keila amekuja. Labda niliachwa na sijui… for me najua tuliachana officially two months after Keila was born “
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